
The Church Street Mask Project

Free Mask Making & Performance Drop-in classes

Mask Making: 5 - 16 August (3 to 5 sessions per mask) Costume Making & Mask Acting: 22 - 30 August Performance: Thursday 31 August

An Intergenerational Project for young people 18+ and elders 60+ (but all are welcome if they are 18+). During August, the theatre company Dende Collective will hold an open creative workspace at Penfold Community Hub for all to make masks and learn how to perform with them. Participants will make a papier-mâché mask, create a costume for their characters and learn how to bring their masks to life. On the last day, there will be a walkabout performance for the characters on Church Street.

You can join at any point and make a mask when it suits you, but there are limited places per session which will be allocated on first come, first served. You will need an average of 4 to 5 classes to make a mask. The classes are FREE including all materials and no previous experience is needed. 

Fill in the online form to enrol or express interest and hear about the project: https://forms.gle/ XAWEZJSJ8xNpztBh6

Dates & Times: 1 - 31 August 2023, Tuesdays to Fridays, 1 pm - 4.30 pm 

Facilitators:  André Pink is a Mask Specialist, Theatre Director and Artistic Director of Dende Collective.  Caroline Jones is a Theatre Designer and make who has extensively worked in Australia and the UK.

For more information email andre@dendecollective.org or call 07984451796.

A Dende Collective project is part of the Inside Out 2023 programme funded by WCC.


Penfold Community Hub


Penfold Community Hub, 60 Penfold Street, London NW8 8PJ