A New Play from Brazil - European Premiere
Amanda takes 20 seconds to realise she lost her hearing... Luis Guilherme wakes up and realises he has lost 5 teeth and broke 8 bones and Valquiria keeps repeating her mantra 'think of the sea' in order not to quit... Three characters on the verge of a nervous breakdown face the extreme!

A unique opportunity to get to know one of Brazilian raising star writers. FLUXORAMA was written by Jô Bilac, one of Brazilian most interesting contemporary writers. He has been very active over the last 10 years and is a raising star there. His work can be seen constantly in the theatres in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. He has won several prizes. This is his first play staged in the UK.
FLUXORAMA is actually 3 monologues where Jô Bilac shows 3 characters on the edge, who are going through a transcendental moment in their lives. The writing has a lot of stream of conscience and resembles Beckett plays like Happy days. FLUXORAMA is very exciting writing. In this play Bilac is paying homage to a Brazilian style of poetry developed in the 50’s called Poesia Concreta.
In FLUX I - AMANDA a woman loses all her senses, one by one. In FLUX II- LUIS HENRIQUE a man is immobilised in his destroyed car after a crash. In FLUX III - VALQUIRIA a woman is in the middle of a marathon.
Dende Collective's Andre Pink shares the directing role with Alice Malin, he directed Daisy Morris in AMANDA and Alice directed the Jamie Fairhurst in LUIS HENRIQUE and Charlotte Mulliner in VALQUIRIA. FLUXORAMA was performed first in RED LIKE EMBERS - a season of Brazilian contemporary short plays performed at Theatre 503 in London in October 2014 over a week. The event was produced by Theatre 503 and CAL. Dende Collective produced FLUXORAMA at the Clifftown Theatre in Southend where it was showed with its 3 parts being presented in the order for the first time in the UK, as it was written by Jô Bilac.