A promotional poster for "The Church Street Masquerade 2024" featuring a person wearing a green and orange mask with leafy patterns. The person is dressed in a green outfit. The event is organized by Dené Collective, whose logo is displayed on the bottom-left corner.


Dende Collective’s shows are a savoury feast, often with an international feel to them, bringing together a rich mixture of styles and visual elements. Our work can take different shapes and forms: Brazilian plays in commissioned translations, adaptations, new plays, devised projects; and have been presented in theatres, on the streets and specific sites - content dictates form.

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Andre Pink, our Artistic Director, collaborated with the theatre company Improbable and was one of the leading artists in their project Impro for Elders in 2016 which took place in the library and was followed by 2 successful shows at the Cockpit.

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About Dende Collective

London-based theatre company Dende Collective was created in 1999 and most of our work to date has had a strong Brazilian flavour to it, and like the dishes cooked with the Dende oil, Dende Collective’s shows are a savoury feast, often with an international feel to them, bringing together a rich mixture of styles and visual elements.


Dende shows bring to the stage the exciting cultural mixture that makes London one of the most vibrant cities on the planet, attracting to the theatre a wide range of diverse audiences.

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Company Members

We believe that Theatre is a collective art and without a collective, there is no theatre. Each show or project we do has its own collective and we are proud of instigating this ethos with all the people we work within all the projects we have done.

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Our manifesto

Say good-bye to short rehearsal periods. Good work needs to be nurtured through time and experimentation.

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Trustee & Supporters

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